Our little house

Saturday, October 22, 2011

All I need is a little comfy house with a lot of trees

and you.

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6 comment (s)

  1. astrid doodlesnya lucu! what is this about?

  2. @karina soraya
    ah makasih karina!
    ini tentang impian saya dan seseorang untuk punya rumah pohon di atas gunung :p

  3. This is too adorable astrid! jadiin poster aja :)

    I'd love to own a tree house someday, i've been borrowing books on it just for my own pleasure.
    and yes space shuttle and whales is the awesomeness, a rocketing whale floating across the space <3

  4. @celsee
    terima kasih celsee!
    hehe iya i've been thinking about print them as a poster :)
    yesss tree house is awesome, everyone should have one :D
